Both of those tournaments are open tournaments at the Middle School level. But because our team is so large and there are entry limits, we have a criteria called "national points." Modeled after the same concept that the high schools use for State qualification here in Texas, our Nats points system allows competitors to earn points on the following scale:
Debate Events (PF/LD/WSD) Speech Events + Congress
1st or 2nd Place - 10 points 1st Place - 10 points
Semifinalists - 7 points 2nd Place - 7 points
Quarterfinalists - 4 points 3rd Place - 4 points
Octafinalists - 2 points 4th - 6th - 2 points
Sometimes different scales are used depending on how the competitive the tournament/event is. Points are doubled in high school varsity events and can be halved in middle school novice events or if the event doesn't have any elimination rounds. Points are not stacked; ex: getting to semifinals in debate earns 7 points, not 7+4+2 etc.
The last chance for students to qualify for State or Nats is the Olle Tournament on Feb. 23 & 24.
The top 4 point earners in each event are invited to represent us for TJSDA State. Depending on the event, we may invite up to 6 in an event. Students who compete in both debate and speech cannot do both at State. State this year is at Elsik High School April 19 & 20. There will be days after school devoted to prep starting after Spring Break. The fee for State is anticipated to be $150, which covers entry fees and buses (financial assistance available).
Any student earning 20 points or more in total is qualified for Nationals. The event(s) a competitor does at Nats is determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on what event(s) they've competed in and had consistent success in throughout the year. Students who compete in both debate and speech cannot do both at Nats. As the coach, I do reserve the right to make executive decisions about students going based on behavior and/or not having 20 points. There is a prep camp for Nationals from June 10-17, noon to 4 p.m. at Lanier. We depart for Des Moines, Iowa on June 18 and return June 22. The fee for Nationals is anticipated to be $950. This will cover airfare, hotel, ground transport and entry fees (financial assistance available).
After the Olle Tournament, students who have qualified for State and Nats will be notified. Informational Zoom meetings will be held for Nationals starting Sunday evening, March 3 at 7 p.m.
If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected]
Franz Hill